Westhills Baseball Divisions

Below are the divisions offered at Westhills Baseball.

Players are assigned through our registration process to divisions before each Fall or Spring season based on age as of the following April 30. So, for example, if your player turns 11 next April 30 or before, he or she plays Bronco. If your player turns 11 next May 1 or later, he or she will play Mustang.

The number of teams in each division depends on the number of players enrolled. Depending on registration volume, some divisions may be further broken down by one-year age groups and/or skill. Teams always play only within their division.


Westhills Baseball offers Trotters, which is a one-hour developmental practice session for ages 3 and 4, held on Sunday mornings and is run by local High School players. This format is more conducive to high participation, and better prepares our youngest players for Shetland.


This is for ages 5 and 6 (as of the following April 30), with competitive baseball using coach pitch and/or pitching machines, and 50-foot bases.


Ages 7 and 8, with kid pitch from a mound, using a 40-foot pitching distance and 60-foot bases. Subdivisions of Pinto may use coach pitch for certain innings.


Ages 9 and 10, with 46-foot pitching and 60-foot bases.


Ages 11 and 12, with 50-foot pitching and 70-foot bases.


Ages 13 and 14, with 54-foot pitching and 80-foot bases.


Ages 15 through 18, with 60-foot pitching and 90-foot bases. 


For ballplayers with special needs of any kind, ages 4 and up. Teams and games are structured so all participants can enjoy batting, running, and fielding in a friendly, calm environment.