ARRIVAL AND CHECK-IN: Go to the administration desk (at the west end of the Snack Shack building) about a half hour prior to your game. Sign in on the printed schedule, find your partner, take the baseballs (plate umpire), and move promptly to the field. You should be there, visible on the field, ten minutes before game time, so you don't stress out the managers.
NO SHOWS: Families who pay for their children to play at Westhills Baseball have a right to expect game officials to be present and on time. If you do not show for your assignment, or come late or unprepared, you may be suspended from umpiring for a number of games, to be determined by the Director. Do not sign up for a position unless you're certain you can make it. If something comes up and you may not be able to arrive on time, contact the Director of Lower Umpires, or any of your peers that may be able to fill in for you, as soon as possible, so a replacement may be found.
PROFESSIONALISM: When you are umpiring a game, remember you are an official of Westhills Baseball. Utmost professionalism and decorum are expected. Do not bring food with you on the field, don't look at your phone (even between innings), and do keep your attention on the game, managers, and players at all times. Stand with an erect and attentive posture. Keep your hands out of your pockets. Make sure all your actions reflect well on you and Westhills Baseball.
MANAGER MEETING: For those doing plate, meet with the managers before the game and ask them to confirm all players are properly equipped (cups, helmets, etc.) and that all their equipment is legal. If they seem hesitant, ask them to double check. Also, go over the rules ("one-pagers") every game to ensure it's all understood.
SAFETY: Many young players throw their bats after swinging. Always point this out to the manager, whether or not it was intentional. Do not be shy about this! Flying bats are very dangerous, and every instance must be addressed. We cannot be complacent. It is the manager's responsibility to ensure the player corrects himself. If after warnings the player continues to throw his bat, you will need to eject the player. Same goes with any other behavior that could lead to injury, such as players being out of the dugout during at-bats.
SPORTSMANSHIP: Westhills Baseball culture promotes decorum and sportsmanship. Taunting opponents through words or actions must be corrected whenever it happens. Do not shy away from telling the manager when a player gets out of line. If a manager gives you a hard time for enforcing Westhills Baseball values, inform the Director of Lower Umpires after the game.
RAIN GUIDANCE: In wet weather, once the game starts, continue playing unless the bases get slippery or mud gets clumped in players' cleats. Once you observe this, call the game for rain.
MANAGER DISPUTES: In Shetland Division there are no arguments about calls or protests about rules. If a manager has a dispute, politely remind of him of this fact. Also, managers may not alter the playing rules, even if the opposing managers agree. Despite the fact Shetland Division does not keep standings; managers are required to ensure their teams play proper, competitive baseball games according to the established rules. If managers try to alter the rules, remind them they may not. If a manager behaves disrespectfully towards you, report this to the Director of Lower Umpires after the game. For Pinto Division, disputes will be handled by the Upper Umpire.
SPECTATORS: Parents and other spectators may not address the umpires. If any do, the plate umpire should politely remind the offending spectators and the managers of this. If disruptive or disrespectful behavior continues after your warning, report this to the Director of Lower Umpires after the game.
ENDING THE GAME: The plate umpire establishes the end time for the games. Ideally you'll wear a wrist watch so you don't have to pull out a phone to check the time. For Shetland Division games, the end time is "drop dead" meaning once the end time is reached, you will call "last batter", and the game ends once the kid who's up completes his at-bat. The end time is as published in the schedule, even if the game starts late. For Pinto Division games, the end time is "no new inning"; end time calls will be made by the Upper Umpire.
POST-GAME: Ensure you collect the game balls and return them to the Snack Shack.